Heavyweight Manilla Envelopes
- Suitable for mailing important, heavy or valuable items.
- Manufactured from high quality 130gsm paper.
- New Guardian have a subtle ribbed finish and distinctive sheen.
- Wide choice of sizes, and sealing options.
- High quality packaging keeps envelopes in perfect condition.
Easy Open Device: - Easy Open device on C5 and C4 Peel and Seal Envelopes.
- Allows a clean opening tear whilst retaining strength.
- DL Banker 39 x 39mm, position 19mm in, 18mm up.
- C6 Window A 37 x 90mm, position 18mm in, 38mm up.
- C6 Window B 35 x 89mm, position 19mm in, 18mm up.
- DL Pocket 93 x 93mm position 53mm in, 32mm up.
- C4 40 x 100mm, position 25mm in, 213mm up.